Minggu, 30 Desember 2018


Возможно, вы помните знаменитую криптограмму, которая была запущена
28 ноября 2017 года, и через несколько дней собрал рекордную сумму, собрав несколько миллионов долларов, но популярность Cryptocurrent была потерей - игра, работающая на Ethereum и на пороге серьезной славы, замедлила сеть нескольких транзакций. Теперь интерес криптокошек значительно уменьшился из-за того, что в игре нет событий и много проблем. Ну, чтобы заменить старый, появляются новые , MonsterBitпринимать идеи, разрабатывать и исправлять недостатки, добавлять все виды фишек и, конечно, персонажей, которые мне нравятся, например, больше. У каждого из нас есть дети, которые живут в наших душах, и теперь я вижу этих монстров, ну, я куплю и позабочусь о всех, и они оценят необычное.

MonsterBit - это имитация знаменитой крипто игры с очень интересным дополнением. Мы не создаем колеса. Мы принимаем проекты, которые являются успешными и делают их более прочными с точки зрения функциональности и четкости с точки зрения дизайна. Для уникального размножения и уникальной ДНК мы добавляем созревание характера через кормление.

Игровая индустрия продолжает расти в размерах и капитале.
Тем не менее, несколько компаний изучают возможность создания игр вокруг блокчин, что позволит им использовать криптовалютность и токены.
Будь то карточные игры, MMO или RPG - все они могут использовать виртуальные валюты в своих сервисах.
Мне очень нравится оптимизм разработчиков
MonsterBit , а также
их очаровательная честность, они не регулировали задачу замены криптографических тюленей своей игрой.
MonsterBit не скрывает, что начальная задача
особенно для зарабатывания денег для разработчиков, каждого и для нас, как для инвесторов.

Помимо разных градиентов, ДНК-монстры включают в себя большое количество выражений лица, которые будут визуально создавать новые монстры

В отличие от крипто-кошек, монстры рождаются маленькими и должны расти до уровня воспроизводства, то есть добавлена ​​возможность прыгать в захватывающий мир игр, потому что выращивать монстров гораздо интереснее, чем просто получать кошек того же типа.
На фондовом рынке вы можете продавать монстров всех возрастов.
Монстры будут расти с помощью двух катализаторов.
время и еда, как и в жизни
монстры рождаются и растут в определенное время.
Чтобы ускорить

выращивайте монстров, вы должны их кормить из внутреннего хранилища системы.
Каждый пользователь через определенное время получает бесплатную пищу для кормления монстров.
Каждые 20% времени монстр дает желание пожелать поесть, которое отправляется пользователю электронной почты.
Если пользователь вводит и кормит монстра, он получает бонус в размере 20%.
Если пользователь не хочет ждать, он может купить еду.
Цена еды зависит от покупной цены монстров и равна 100%, но не более 0,2 с на стадию созревания.
Цена еды для новорожденного монстра составляет половину цены матери, но не менее 0,002 эт.
Подобно процессу шифрования

размножение произойдет путем «спаривания».
Взрослые монстры могут организовывать битвы между собой в бластерах для еды, для самих бластеров и для монстров разных размеров и поколений.
Представьте себе?
Все в системе можно играть в битве.
Я обязательно буду участвовать, мне нравится сражаться, однако с игрой
Разработчики и рекламодатели не обращают внимания, рекламные объявления монстров будут созданы с помощью рекламы вашего продукта.
В общем, есть много фишек, приманки и инноваций. Я приглашаю всех, кто интересуется деталями, чтобы узнать
в нем вы найдете очень подробную информацию о проекте.
На этом этапе Ико убегает, только цена монстров
1MB = 0,002 ETH.
Всего выпущенных токенов было 7 500 000 000.
В команде осталось 1,25 миллиона токенов.
6 миллионов токенов будут продаваться в три этапа: идеи, прототипы и развитие.
250 тысяч токенов выделяются для 
Это важно!
Что получил владелец токена?
Системные монстры.
Они незрелые и не размножаются.
Их нельзя пересечь.
Они производят всю систему.

Первоначально их можно было купить только для токенов.
В будущем их можно продать / купить в магазинах монстров.
Они генерируют комиссии от монстров, покупающих и продающих пользователям.
И часть его была взята.
Они производят GEN 0 Monsters, а также продают их для ETH.
Они производят всю пищу для монстров и продают ее.
Владелец tok-nov будет продавать продукты пользователям для ETH.
Они производят оружие и боеприпасы и продают их пользователям для ETH.
на начальном этапе, чтобы быть частью команды и получать прибыль в забавном режиме, как игра.

Посмотрите на эти красивые, симпатичные и красивые лица.
Монстры и прибыль неотделимы, все хорошо, бобры, монстры и прибыль :)
Техническое описание: https://monsterbit.org/landing_files/wp/WhitePaper_EN.pdf
Токен для продажи: http://monsterbit.org/
Веб-сайт: https://monsterbit.io
Ссылка на ваш BitcoinTalk:


История появления компьютерных игр достаточно интересна и насыщена. Она начинается еще 50 лет назад. Попытки создать простенькие игры на цифровых устройствах предпринимались ещё до начала Второй Мировой войны. Первые игры появились не как развлечение, а скорее для научных целей, поскольку первые компьютеры были огромными, дорогостоящими и в основном появлялись в образовательных и научных учреждениях. Компьютерные игры пошли в массы с появлением консолей и первых ПК, когда они стали более доступными для большинства людей.

Однако только в 70-е годы они игры стали настоящим культурным феноменом — возникнув как незамысловатый плод творческой мысли программистов, которые с каждым годом приобретали всё большую популярность — и развились до того, что стали отдельной специфической спортивной дисциплиной — киберспортом.

Можно с уверенностью сказать, что за последние годы сфера компьютерных игр достигли огромных высот. Сейчас, использование Блокчейн позволяет обеспечить игрокам анонимность, которая гарантирует надежное право собственности на предметы или деньги, которые они собирают или покупают.

MonsterBit — это клон известной криптоигры с очень интересными дополнениями. На данный момент существует множество успешных игр, которые были клонами. Преимущества клонирования заключаются в основном в том, что клонируя какую-либо игру, тем самым дорабатываются минусы оригинала, что ставит ее в более выигрышное положение. Также готовая логика игры позволяет пользователям легко влиться в детали. Также уменьшается риск провала игры, и сроки разработки значительно сокращаются.

Как уже понятно по контексту, то за основу была взята знаменитая игра CryptoKitties. Однако в последнее время, интерес к ней значительно упал, так как отсутствие свежих идей и обновлений значительно снижает стоимость питомцев.

Преимущества MonsterBit:
  • Дизайн. Игра удивит пользователей обилием ярких красок и персонажей.
  • Взросление. В отличие от оригинала, монстры будут расти. Приобретаете вы их маленькими, но растите, с помощью денег или в процессе игры. На бирже можно будет продавать монстра любого возраста.
  • Размножение. Криптомонстрики имеют способность размножаться путем спаривания.
  • Дополнения. После реализации основной базы мы запланировали создание двух уникальных дополнений.
  • Битва монстров и бластеры. Возможность проведения битв за еду, оружие или новых монстров. Однако такая возможность доступна только взрослым монстрам.
  • Рекламные монстры. Рекламодатели смогут рекламировать свои товары с помощью монстров.
  • Настоящие игрушки. В распоряжении игроков будет также интернет-магазин с реальными игрушками, плюшевыми и пластиковыми.
  • Монетизация игры. Доступны продажа, покупка монстров и многое другое.

Детали проведения ICO
Токен MB - это средство, позволяющее игрокам купить системных монстров, которые генерируют систему. Системные монстры не взрослеют и не размножаются. Их можно будет купить только за токены, а затем продать в магазине монстров. Также токен можно будет купить или продать на бирже, пока только на внутренней.

Возможности держателей:
  • Комиссии. Генерируя комиссию от покупок и продаж монстров, пользователи забирают часть себе.
  • Gen0. Генерируют монстров GEN 0 и также продают их за ETH.
  • Продажа еды. Генерируют всю еду для монстров и продают их. Держатели токенов смогут продавать еду пользователям за ETH
  • Продажа оружия. Генерируют бластеры и заправку для бластеров, и продают их пользователям за ETH.

Символ токена – MB
Стандарт токена – ERC 20
Общий объем выпущенных токенов – 7,5 млн

1 раунд:

Стоимость токена — 0.0002-0.0004 ETH
Продажа – 1 млн токенов

2 раунд:

Стоимость — 0.0005 ETH
Продажа – 2 млн токенов

3 раунд:

Стоимость — 1-2 $
Продажа – 3 млн токенов

Распределение токенов:
Дорожная карта

Команда проекта

Контактная информация

Техническая документация: https://monsterbit.org/landing_f...
Продажа токенов: http://monsterbit.org/
Веб-сайт: https://monsterbit.io

Bitcointalk username: Jrock232

IMPALA COIN Platform Perdagangan dan Keuangan Intra-Afrika

Gambar terkait

Afrika adalah benua yang kaya akan sumber daya manusia,bakat,stamina kewirausahaan dan sumber daya mineral dan merupakan rumah bagi salah satu kelas menengah yang paling cepat berkembang di dunia diperkirakan sekitar 350 juta.Terlepas dari kemajuan yang dibuat,Afrika dibebani oleh kepemimpinan ekonomi yang buruk,mata uang yang sulit dikonversi dan perbatasan kolonial tua yang ditarik untuk administrasi daripada pasar ekonomi dan tidak konsisten dengan pertumbuhan pasar komersial besar seperti Comesa.

Penetrasi perbankan dan asuransi yang rendah mempengaruhi 70-90% dari yang tidak memiliki rekening bank di Afrika.Hal ini telah menghasilkan pasar pertukaran dan pengiriman uang informal yang berkembang pesat yang sebagian besar didorong oleh uang tunai yang memungkinkan perdagangan internasional.Uang tunai berisiko,mahal dan terbatas dalam hal pertumbuhan kredit,inklusi keuangan dan pembelian dalam jumlah besar.

Impala Coin (ICN) adalah platform cryptocurrency interoperable dan konversi yang berusaha untuk membawa revolusi lengkap dalam perdagangan Afrika dan perbankan transaksional.Platform ini akan menyatukan semua negara Afrika ke dalam platform perdagangan dan keuangan intra-Afrika yang sama.

Untuk saat ini, platform ini menciptakan blockchain offline dan online terbesar di dunia. Blockchain didukung oleh bank digital yang akan menjadi fondasi utama dalam membangun ekosistem lintas batas.

Sangat penting untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah dengan menggulirkan Crypto Bank atau jaringan Financial pada rel jaringan ekosistem ekonomi Blockchain offline dan online terbesar di dunia.Bank atau jaringan keuangan akan saling terkait dan dapat dioperasikan dengan bank,dompet uang mobile,mata uang crypto,penyedia layanan pembayaran,pembayaran agen perdagangan,perusahaan pos yang dibantu oleh titik penjualan dan terminal mitra.

Impalacoin adalah penemu mobile wallet token peer-to-peer pertukaran dan interoperabilitas antara berbagai platform uang mobile. Inovasi dalam sistem teknologi keuangan seluler telah menghasilkan alat pembayaran elektronik digital di seluruh benua Afrika.


Ada kebutuhan yang mendesak untuk mengintegrasikan semua negara ini dan membawa mereka ke dalam perdagangan umum dan platform keuangan intra-Afrika.Impala coin saat ini membangun blockchain offline dan online terbesar di dunia yang didukung oleh bank digital atau jaringan keuangan yang akan menjadi fondasi kunci dalam membangun ekosistem lintas perbatasan secara paralel dengan kegiatan yang berkelanjutan untuk membangun ekonomi crypto.

Impalacoin harus berkolaborasi dengan pemain logistik lainnya seperti transportasi,dokumentasi hukum kontrak pintar,bea cukai dan otoritas pajak,pergudangan,standar dan sertifikasi mutu,bahan bakar,akomodasi, dll. Impalacoin akan dapat beredar di dalam ekosistem ini setidaknya delapan kali sebelum keluar ke lainnya mata uang membuat ICM mata uang yang dapat digunakan kehidupan nyata pertama.

Tidak seperti mata uang yang tidak dapat diubah saat ini,Impalacoin tetap menjadi mata uang konversi perdagangan dengan jaringannya termasuk mitra aliansi jaringannya.Platform ini akan menyimpan dan mengakomodasi berbagai mata uang pada dompet digital mereka yang kemudian dapat diperdagangkan secara online atau offline pada perangkat Mpos agen.

Ini akan meningkatkan penetrasi sebagai mata uang yang dapat diperdagangkan dan meningkatkan transaksi pada lebih banyak pertukaran sehingga mengarah pada pengambilan nilai dari Impalacoin.Mata uang akan diperdagangkan di bursa didistribusikan Stellar dan pada saat yang sama melibatkan mata uang utama lainnya.

Info Token 
Nama Token : ICM
Platform Token : Stellar
Type Token : Utility
Jadwal PraICO : 2018-11-01 - 2018-12-31
Harga PraICO : 1 ICM = 0.15 USD
Jadwal ICO : 2018-10-01 - 2019-03-31
Harga pada saat ICO : 0.1800 USD
Min. investasi : 50 USD
Menerima pembayaran : ETH,BTC,XLM dan mata uang Fiat
Distribusi Token pada saat ICO : 65%
Soft cap : 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 50,000,000 USD
Day 1 35%
Day 2-7 30%
Week 2 15%
Week 3 10%
Week 4 5%
Week 5 5%

Tiga puluh persen token akan didistribusikan selama penjualan token,30% selama IPL, 30% selama penjualan publik dan 10% akan diberikan kepada penasihat.Tujuan utama dari penggelaran dana ini adalah untuk mendapatkan jaringan dan kemitraan baru,persyaratan likuiditas dan pemasaran dan promosi untuk mengumpulkan adopsi Impalacoin.

Username: Jrock232
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318

Mind Sync

Mind Sync
 platform and global community of artificial intelligence

Mindsync is a platform and global community of artificial intelligence and machine learning experts who will help businesses of all types develop. These are the AIaaS (AI-as-a-Service) and ExaaS (Expert-as-a-Service) platforms that help solve business problems related to customers through artificial intelligence-based solutions that are easily available and affordable for various businesses. . Strategic partnerships with decentralized supercomputer projects and crypto mining agriculture by Mindsync will make computing power available to community members and customers. They will also get prizes for using this platform, exchanging experiences and communicating with individuals with the same mindset for personal and professional growth.

Mindsync can be a community-based AHAaS and ExaaS * platform that unlocks customer tasks through AI technology, as well as a market for AI solutions and data set coaching. Customers will be asked to create unique AI-based solutions that challenge / compete between service providers in the Mindsync community, or by using company solutions that are already in the Mindsync repository, our consultants will definitely do a review.

How does Mindsync work?
On the MindSync platform, customers can create challenges and create specific AI-based solutions to their business problems. This challenge can be seen by all members of the community. Experts who are interested in the platform will register for the challenge after accepting the terms and conditions of the terms and conditions. Experts (individuals or teams) who successfully create solutions will send their entries for review by customers and other experts in the community. 
MindSync will enable ready-for-production solutions to be executed on the platform and make requests through the API without having to use it on an external server, that is, on the client side. It is possible to use AI to create applications for any device that is connected to the Internet.
Mindsync can be a community driven decentralized AI platform where everyone will participate as a customer, expert, developer, or provider in the developing computer science market to order or produce and share artificial intelligence services at a specified price.
Mindsync can be a community driven decentralized AI platform where everyone will participate as a customer, expert, developer, or provider in the developing computer science market to order or produce and share artificial intelligence services at a specified price.

Mindsync mission
Platform for completing customer tasks with AI and market technology competition for solutions and training data sets. Our mission is to bring together the best-made intelligence and hacking experts, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data, and computing power suppliers, investors, volunteers in one place to make AI solutions more available, cheaper, simpler for various customers, accelerate development and create a world market for AI solutions.

Benefits of using the MindSync platform:
For participants  – experience, knowledge, contributions to community, gifts, rankings.
For customers  – solutions to their problems, insights about their specific data.
For platforms  – community development, increased involvement, developing market models.


Token Flow

Mindsync tokens are designed to invest in platforms, access AI solutions and reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. Mindsync Tokens is the ERC20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. Mindsync tokens are set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.

Percentage of token distribution

Allocate and use funds




Useful links:
Telegram Group:  http://t.me/mindsync_ai

Author: Jrock232

MINDSYNC - A decentralized AI based platform


Hello everyone, how are you?
Have a nice day !!!

I have written about this project in blogger, but because this project in my opinion is interesting and there are many investors who want to invest in this project, then I try to write back here and hopefully my customers here enjoy it and love to read it and you all want to invest On this project so you get the benefit and know more.

Let's look at my writing by enjoying a cup of coffee and also a small cake that has been served by our beloved wife.

Enjoy !!!

Nowadays when people say "the Great Financial Revolution" they are definitely referring to cryptocurrency, blockchain and Bitcoin technology. These concepts have shocked the world with the latest approaches and many benefits. If you are not sure, you should know that the cryptocurrency market capital is increasing rapidly every second. Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrency lives online and is not controlled by any company or government. They also have higher monetary values ​​than traditional currencies. Bitcoin prices have doubled in a month and are up 180% since the beginning of 2017 due to the increasing demand for cryptocurrency worldwide.

Because of the growth of electronic money, more and more electronic money exchanges are carried out. There are currently more than 200 electronic money. Not surprisingly, more and more companies want to join the growing market and this potential to get maximum benefits while serving the needs of users of electronic money. However, they will not be able to stand out if they offer the same function or value, so users must look for other products if they really want to contribute to something valuable. for a long time.

Most of the world of cryptocurrency technology like Bitcoin relies on database forms with the advantage of being able to track the volume of large and secure transactions. The technology used by many digital currencies is Blockchain.

The Blockchain was first implemented in 2009, and was revolutionized with the Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that make transactions, where each block is interconnected through cryptography, thus forming a network.

Along with technological developments, cryptocurrency in the future has become an increasingly attractive proposition in the market and may not have traditional banking infrastructure.
Some developing countries in the world have even implemented Blockchain-based national currencies, such as Bitcoin, and this technology is also used by several large projects to help those who do not have bank accounts.

And Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currencies, and attracts many traditional financial institutions to be adopted.

Let's see what is the newest project from the world of digital currency ???

Mindsync is a decentralized AI-based platform where people can be used in developing customers as experts, developers or services to create or share AI services as value.

Mindsync is a platform for completing customer tasks with AI technology competition and markets for solutions and training data sets. Our mission is to bring together the best artificial intelligence and hacking experts, data scientists, machine learning developers, big data, and computing power suppliers, investors, volunteers in one place to make AI solutions better available, cheaper, simpler for various customers , accelerating its development and creating a world market for AI solutions.



Customers post orders or assignments in the form of challenges on the https://mindsync.ai platform, with detailed requirements, data sets, deadlines. Prizes will be shared among several platform participants.


Experts help customers prepare tasks, competition rules, examine solutions for tasks and get rewarded for such work.


DS / ML developers work on shared or group assignments. The competitive nature of their work maximizes the speed of development, quality and significantly reduces the cost of solutions for customers. The accepted solution developer automatically receives the award in accordance with the rules.


All datasets and kernels (task solutions) are hashed. Hash is stored on the blockchain to check integrity and protect against changes. Solution expert reviews, developer rankings and teams are written and stored on the blockchain (for additional security from ranking forgery).

Customers get the best solution for their tasks - algorithms and data along with expert reviews. Customers can post paid solutions on our platform to receive additional revenue from sales.


To find a solution, developers use the miner's computing power, fog supercomputer projects, cloud providers or exchange resources. This process, provided by the mindync.ai platform, is transparent to developers and they can focus solely on the task. Computing power suppliers receive payments immediately after the use of their resources.


Communities can also post their own algorithms and data for free or for sale at https://mindsync.ai/

And Investors can become sponsors of challenges and teams, pay prize funds and earn income from selling solutions. Investors can also receive part of the prize fund if they function as sponsors for teams that take part in the challenge.

MindSync tokens can be used for all payment operations among platform participants


Offering a single platform handling real-world problems, paid or free. The solution is made by the AI, DS, ML community: You place orders for solutions that contain AI technology; developed by members of our community, a complete test and launch on our platform. It is also possible to integrate it into an existing business or other area.


Customers can order a completely new AI solution or use one of the ready-enterprise solutions from our repository which is ranked by Mindsync community experts who save a lot of time and also apply it to other more complicated challenges on the platform.


AIaaS APIMindsync Platform:
It is possible to run a production-ready solution internally and make a request for it to use the API without applying it on an external server, that is on your side. This makes it possible to create scalable applications using AI with unlimited theoretical computing power for any device.

And there are many other features, you can visit it here: https://mindsync.ai/

Name: Mindsync
Price: $ 0.14
Platform: Ethereum
Total tokens: 1,000,000,000
Symbol: MAI
The total token is distributed to the public: 500,000,000
Type: ERC20
Receive: ETH, BTC, LTC




Mindsync tokens are designed to invest in platforms, access AI solutions and reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. Mindsync Tokens is the ERC20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. Mindsync tokens are set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.








12/2018 - Pre Sales
02/2019 - General sales
Q3 / 2019 - Alfa
Q4 / 2019 - Beta


Username: Jrock232
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2018


About Honest Mining

We are HONEST MINING - a company with a simple mission: building trustworthy and easy crypto mining that is accessible to everyone. We’re making cryptocurrency mining a lot easier and accessible for everyone who is interested in becoming miners. You will be able to be a part of the community through an uncomplicated process and start earning masternode rewards from the get-go. We believe that honesty is gained through transparency. HONEST TOKEN (HNST) is the native currency of HONEST MINING Platform which will be used for all transaction activities. With HNST you will be able to join masternode, get a special discount and other /usage.

We’re making cryptocurrency mining a lot easier and accessible for everyone who is interested in becoming miners. You will be able to be a part of the community through an uncomplicated process and start earning masternode rewards from the get-go. We believe that honesty is gained through transparency. This company headquartered in Singapore has been operating for at least one year in Indonesia. The plan, Honest Mining itself will conduct a soft launch in January 2019. The first Honest Mining platform mining in Indonesia will come to the surface to introduce mining and how Honest Mining works to help make it easier for people to understand mining in an easier and instant way. The Honest Mining team consists of experienced cryptocurrency and blockchain industry players who believe in decentralization. Together, achieve the mission: to build a reliable crypto mining platform that is easy to use and accessible to everyone.

4 Easy Step of Honest Mining:

  • Select a MasternodeGet your crypto wallet ready and choose the masternode that you would like to invest in.
  • Deposit CoinsClick the “Commit” button to deposit your crypto coins.
  • Select SeatsSelect the seat quantity that you plan to own.
  • Earn RewardsWatch as your masternode start receiving rewards and you get to decide whether to withdraw or reinvest.

There are risks associated with the HONEST MINING platform, the HNST TOKENS and the staked or rewarded coins (such as tokens and coins together, the “Tokens”). Some (but not all) of them are summarized below:

  • New Technology.The HONEST MINING platform and the Tokens, together with all of the features, specifications, use cases and other matters set forth in this whitepaper, are new and untested technology and may not be capable of completion, implementation or adoption according to the development roadmap laid out in this whitepaper. While HONEST MINING will make reasonable efforts to complete the platform, there may be circumstances beyond HONEST MINING’s control which could result in delays, a more limited release or in the worst case, a functioning platform may not be created at all. Even if the platform is completed, implemented and adopted, it might not function as intended and any tokens associated with the platform may not have functionality that is desirable, fit for purpose or valuable. Technology is changing rapidly and the platform and/or the Tokens associated therewith may become outdated. Although Proof-of-Stake is gaining popularity and acceptance, things may change and a new consensus mechanism may supersede Proof-of-Stake or a consensus mechanism may no longer be needed.
  • ProtocolThe HNST TOKENS are based on the Ethereum protocol. Any malfunction, forking, breakdown or abandonment of the Ethereum protocol or network may have a material adverse effect on the HNST TOKENS or the HONEST MINING platform. The successful operation of the HONEST MINING platform is contingent upon the successful operation of the various cryptocurrency networks of the Tokens staked or rewarded. Any malfunction, forking, breakdown or abandonment of the applicable cryptocurrency protocol or network (such as the Proof-of-Stake protocol not working as expected) may have a material adverse effect on the HONEST MINING platform and may result in the loss of the Tokens staked or rewarded.
  • Mining AttacksDecentralised cryptographic networks are at risk of mining attacks, such as “51% attacks”, double spending attacks, selfish mining behaviour, race condition attacks and other attempts by miners or other participants in the network to manipulate or game the protocol or network. Any successful attack presents a risk to the expected proper operation, execution and sequencing of token transactions and contract computations of the Tokens and the HONEST MINING platform. In the event of such malicious actions, a loss of the Tokens is possible.
  • Software BugsThe source code currently (or expected to be) in use for inter alia the Ethereum and the Tokens’ network and protocol, as well as the HONEST MINING platform, is wholly or partly based on open source code. Such open source code may be at greater risk of exploit by bad actors examining and seeking to find exploits within that code. Such open source code may also be updated from time to time, which may result in new and unexpected exploits. A third party or member of HONEST MINING’s team may also intentionally or unintentionally introduce weaknesses into the code base or core infrastructure of the HONEST MINING platform, which could negatively affect the HONEST MINING platform and the Tokens (including, but not limited to, the use thereof) or result in the loss of the Tokens or the loss of the ability to access or control the Tokens. In the event of such a software bug or weakness, there may be no remedy and users of the HONEST MINING platform as well as the holders of the HNST TOKENS are not guaranteed any remedy, refund or compensation.
  • Theft, Misuse or Loss of Private KeysHNST TOKENS acquired may be held in digital wallets or vaults, which requires a private key (or a combination of private keys) to access and use. Accordingly, loss of the requisite private key(s) associated with such digital wallets or vaults storing such tokens will result in the loss of such tokens, access to token balance and/or any initial balances in blockchains created by third parties. If the private keys are stolen, misused or lost, the wallets or vaults associated therewith, and any tokens stored therein, may be lost. Any third party that gains access to such private key(s) (including by gaining access to login credentials of a third party hosted wallet or vault service) may be able to misappropriate the tokens stored therein or transfer the tokens stored therein to themselves or to another person. The tokens may not be recoverable and HONEST MINING will not be responsible for any such losses. There are also risks of malware attacks, denial of service attacks, spoofing attacks and other exploits being used against legitimate users of blockchain software and cryptographic tokens. The Tokens may be subject to expropriation and/or theft. Hackers or other bad actors may attempt to interfere with the HONEST MINING platform or the Tokens in a variety of ways (including, but not limited to, malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing and spoofing). Such attacks or exploits may result in private keys being stolen or the loss of the Tokens.
  • DecentralizationAlthough HONEST MINING aims to be decentralized, there are parts of the HONEST MINING platform that is yet to be decentralized or which are inherently unable to be decentralized. For example, HONEST MINING’s wallet system is centralized due to the nature of how masternodes work. Although the team is committed to following industry best practices, such as the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and CCSC (CryptoCurrencySecurity Standard), security breaches are prevalent and we cannot guarantee that we will not be the subject of an attack or security breach. Security breaches can and will happen due to both external and internal factors.

People Behind Honest Mining

Our team consists of experienced cryptocurrency and blockchain industry players who believe in decentralization. Together, we are achieving our mission: to build a trustworthy crypto mining platform that is easy to use and accessible to everyone.


USERNAME : Jrock232
ETH : 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318

Introduction to Honest Mining

The idea of chaining blocks of data together with cryptographic hashes has been around since the late 1970’s. (I will restate the cryptographic hashes simply later at the tokenization section.) The cryptographic protocols were evolving by 1982, when Ralph Merkle’s patent was granted (Ralph, 1980). The data structure named after him, the Merkle Tree, found utility in peer-to-peer systems in which peers all needed to share identical data.  There is no explicit description of the blockchains in the cited applications. But the blockchains of cryptocurrencies are well understood. As Satoshi Nakamoto writes, they are needed to enable “electronic transactions without relying on trust.”
A complete, immutable public record of transactions is not a design goal in cryptocurrencies (Nakamoto, 2008). Nakamoto wrote that “To accomplish this without a trusted party, transactions must be publicly announced.” (Dai, 1998). Blockchain promises to solve this problem.
The technology at the heart of bitcoin and other virtual currencies, blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. The ledger itself can also be programmed to trigger transactions automatically.
Bitcoin is one of the best samples but has some disadvantages. Those are Turing incompleteness, value blindness and verification time. Turing incompleteness is simply the inability to use the while and for statements. The bitcoin also has a script, but it is equipped with an OPCODE that can execute only a simple command.


About Honest Mining
We are HONEST MINING - a company with a simple mission: building trustworthy and easy crypto mining that is accessible to everyone. We’re making cryptocurrency mining a lot easier and accessible for everyone who is interested in becoming miners. You will be able to be a part of the community through an uncomplicated process and start earning masternode rewards from the get-go. We believe that honesty is gained through transparency. HONEST TOKEN (HNST) is the native currency of HONEST MINING Platform which will be used for all transaction activities. With HNST you will be able to join masternode, get a special discount and other /usage.

We’re making cryptocurrency mining a lot easier and accessible for everyone who is interested in becoming miners. You will be able to be a part of the community through an uncomplicated process and start earning masternode rewards from the get-go. We believe that honesty is gained through transparency. This company headquartered in Singapore has been operating for at least one year in Indonesia. The plan, Honest Mining itself will conduct a soft launch in January 2019. The first Honest Mining platform mining in Indonesia will come to the surface to introduce mining and how Honest Mining works to help make it easier for people to understand mining in an easier and instant way. The Honest Mining team consists of experienced cryptocurrency and blockchain industry players who believe in decentralization. Together, achieve the mission: to build a reliable crypto mining platform that is easy to use and accessible to everyone.

Easy Step of Honest Mining:

  • Select a Masternode
Get your crypto wallet ready and choose the masternode that you would like to invest in.
  • Deposit Coins
Click the “Commit” button to deposit your crypto coins.
  • Select Seats
Select the seat quantity that you plan to own.
  • Earn Rewards
Watch as your masternode start receiving rewards and you get to decide whether to withdraw or reinvest.

There are risks associated with the HONEST MINING platform, the HNST TOKENS and the staked or rewarded coins (such as tokens and coins together, the “Tokens”). Some (but not all) of them are summarized below:
New Technology.
The HONEST MINING platform and the Tokens, together with all of the features, specifications, use cases and other matters set forth in this whitepaper, are new and untested technology and may not be capable of completion, implementation or adoption according to the development roadmap laid out in this whitepaper. While HONEST MINING will make reasonable efforts to complete the platform, there may be circumstances beyond HONEST MINING’s control which could result in delays, a more limited release or in the worst case, a functioning platform may not be created at all. Even if the platform is completed, implemented and adopted, it might not function as intended and any tokens associated with the platform may not have functionality that is desirable, fit for purpose or valuable. Technology is changing rapidly and the platform and/or the Tokens associated therewith may become outdated. Although Proof-of-Stake is gaining popularity and acceptance, things may change and a new consensus mechanism may supersede Proof-of-Stake or a consensus mechanism may no longer be needed.

The HNST TOKENS are based on the Ethereum protocol. Any malfunction, forking, breakdown or abandonment of the Ethereum protocol or network may have a material adverse effect on the HNST TOKENS or the HONEST MINING platform. The successful operation of the HONEST MINING platform is contingent upon the successful operation of the various cryptocurrency networks of the Tokens staked or rewarded. Any malfunction, forking, breakdown or abandonment of the applicable cryptocurrency protocol or network (such as the Proof-of-Stake protocol not working as expected) may have a material adverse effect on the HONEST MINING platform and may result in the loss of the Tokens staked or rewarded.

Mining Attacks
Decentralised cryptographic networks are at risk of mining attacks, such as “51% attacks”, double spending attacks, selfish mining behaviour, race condition attacks and other attempts by miners or other participants in the network to manipulate or game the protocol or network. Any successful attack presents a risk to the expected proper operation, execution and sequencing of token transactions and contract computations of the Tokens and the HONEST MINING platform. In the event of such malicious actions, a loss of the Tokens is possible.

Software Bugs
The source code currently (or expected to be) in use for inter alia the Ethereum and the Tokens’ network and protocol, as well as the HONEST MINING platform, is wholly or partly based on open source code. Such open source code may be at greater risk of exploit by bad actors examining and seeking to find exploits within that code. Such open source code may also be updated from time to time, which may result in new and unexpected exploits. A third party or member of HONEST MINING’s team may also intentionally or unintentionally introduce weaknesses into the code base or core infrastructure of the HONEST MINING platform, which could negatively affect the HONEST MINING platform and the Tokens (including, but not limited to, the use thereof) or result in the loss of the Tokens or the loss of the ability to access or control the Tokens. In the event of such a software bug or weakness, there may be no remedy and users of the HONEST MINING platform as well as the holders of the HNST TOKENS are not guaranteed any remedy, refund or compensation.

Theft, Misuse or Loss of Private Keys
HNST TOKENS acquired may be held in digital wallets or vaults, which requires a private key (or a combination of private keys) to access and use. Accordingly, loss of the requisite private key(s) associated with such digital wallets or vaults storing such tokens will result in the loss of such tokens, access to token balance and/or any initial balances in blockchains created by third parties. If the private keys are stolen, misused or lost, the wallets or vaults associated therewith, and any tokens stored therein, may be lost. Any third party that gains access to such private key(s) (including by gaining access to login credentials of a third party hosted wallet or vault service) may be able to misappropriate the tokens stored therein or transfer the tokens stored therein to themselves or to another person. The tokens may not be recoverable and HONEST MINING will not be responsible for any such losses. There are also risks of malware attacks, denial of service attacks, spoofing attacks and other exploits being used against legitimate users of blockchain software and cryptographic tokens. The Tokens may be subject to expropriation and/or theft. Hackers or other bad actors may attempt to interfere with the HONEST MINING platform or the Tokens in a variety of ways (including, but not limited to, malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, Sybil attacks, smurfing and spoofing). Such attacks or exploits may result in private keys being stolen or the loss of the Tokens.

Although HONEST MINING aims to be decentralized, there are parts of the HONEST MINING platform that is yet to be decentralized or which are inherently unable to be decentralized. For example, HONEST MINING’s wallet system is centralized due to the nature of how masternodes work. Although the team is committed to following industry best practices, such as the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and CCSC (CryptoCurrencySecurity Standard), security breaches are prevalent and we cannot guarantee that we will not be the subject of an attack or security breach. Security breaches can and will happen due to both external and internal factors.

People Behind Honest Mining
Our team consists of experienced cryptocurrency and blockchain industry players who believe in decentralization. Together, we are achieving our mission: to build a trustworthy crypto mining platform that is easy to use and accessible to everyone.


Username: Jrock232
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318

Ethereum Classic Vision may be an onerous fork of Ethereum that leverages the most effective of each world

Ethereum Classic Vision has shaped an expert team of beginner entrepreneurs and experienced investors to make a comprehensive blockchain mercantilism platform. 

Because cryptocurrency is meant for thought adoption Ethereum Classic Vision our platform is a stop buy purchasers United Nations agency will get the foremost from their investment. we are going to produce the easy-to-use system that mixes ancient markets and blockchain-based assets. 

Our team members area unit specializes in money mercantilism and cryptocurrency market, that has years of expertise operating with world brokers. Understand the market from the customer's purpose of reading, similarly because of the expertise gained from the quality management of monetary establishments and banks, urging America to return to the blockchain field. 

The development of the Ethereum Classic Vision, the platform is one in all our most bold comes. The creation of the platform began in 2018. From the start and till the discharge our platform, several technological issues were studied and solved, that enabled America to excellent our system and make the perfect idea of future crypto exchanges. 

This shows the amount of association exponentially increasing the utility base and trust in cryptocurrency as a very important and medium-sized trade store. Its growth is something that's inspired with the assistance of samples of actual international use for transparency and unchanging blockchain LED technology, and its blessings and quicker, peer-to-peer transactions and reducing possession value.

Ethereum Classic Vision may be an onerous fork of Ethereum that leverages the most effective of each world – true decentralization of Ethereum Classic and up-to-date protocols developed for ETH, like PoS mining and sharding. With its Brobdingnagian scaling potential, high speed, and nice rewards for miners, Ethereum Classic Vision is that the final answer to this challenges of the market. throughout the coming onerous fork on Jan eleven, 2019, all Ethereum holders can receive three ETCV for every ETH in their personal wallets.

ETH proof-of-Stake blessings

Lower prices mean that ETCV mining is going to be profitable for individual miners with hardware as easy as Raspberry Pi

ETCV holders earn additional coins by staking them, thus there's no motive to sell – therefore, the worth of ETCV can rise steadily rather than plunging

If a block validator breaks the principles or acts maliciously, they lose their staked deposit and standing

There is no risk that big mining pools can take over the management of the ETCV blockchain – it'll stay freelance from any central authority

The end of ETH Classic
The key developer team behind Ethereum Classic abandoned the project because of lack of funding. the initially localized cryptocurrency cannot be saved – the time has come back for a tough fork.

Get Ethereum Classic Vision via delivery
All ETH holders can get free ETCV coins once our onerous fork (January eleven, 2019). for every ETH in your personal case, we are going to award you with three ETCV! Our delivery is that the best thanks to getting our new up-to-date cryptocurrency while not paying a cent.

Why Ethereum Classic Vision
Ethereum Classic Vision combines all 3 options that a very victorious blockchain must have: decentralization, measurability, and security. It offers a variety of great advantages over ETH, ETC, and BTC:

An additional economical, secure, and profitable mining protocol that may keep the network totally localized.

No rental storage fee
Launching a wise contract can incur a borderline one-time fee; the unused contract may be placed in a temporary sleep state as a result of a vote.

ETCV network is going to be ready to method twenty five000+ transactions per second as compared to merely 25 in ETH.

IPFS integration
Cheap localized file storage for your dApp.

Fair rewards
ETCV miners don't have to be compelled to worry that their reward is going to be haphazardly lowered  – in our system, laborer and merchant interests are fastidiously balanced.

Ethereum is unsustainable
ETH code includes a “difficulty bomb” designed into it – a chunk of code that decreases the potency of mining new blocks, till the validation method stops utterly - this is often called the “Ethereum ice age”. None of the advance proposals provide a true resolution – and therefore the secure switch to a Proof-of-Stake mechanism continues to be years away. Rewards for miners are going to be lowered and rental fees are going to be introduced for sensible contracts. big mining pools can take ever additional power, and individual mining can lose economic sense. ETH has unsuccessful its supporters – and its value can keep falling.

ETH network photo and distribution

The initial distribution of free Ethereum Classic Vision coins can turn up once a photo of the ETH network, that is scheduled for Jan eleven, 2019 (20:00 GMT).

Taking a network photo constitutes a customary observe for cryptocurrency onerous forks
and produces a listing of all blockchain addresses containing a particular coin or token. Any user UN agency is found to carry Ethereum coins in their personal case at the instant of the photo can receive free Ethereum Classic Vision coins at a 3:1 magnitude relation. as an example, a user UN agency holds a hundred ETH in an exceedingly personal case (such as Coinomi, Jaxx, or Ledger Nano) are going to be ready to claim three hundred ETCV without charge. it's crucial to fret that solely ETH keep in personal wallets (desktop, mobile, or cold storage) are eligible without charge ETCV once the onerous fork. Users UN agency hold their ETH in exchange wallets cannot claim the reward.

Once the photo is completed, ETH holders are going to be ready to eliminate their coins as they wish, as well as transferring them to associate degree exchange, merchandising them, or exchanging them.
The amount of free ETCV airdropped to ETH holders depends solely on what percentage coins
they own at the instant of the photo – not before or once it.



Ethereum Classic Vision onerous fork - Jan eleven, 2019

A photo of the ETH network is going to be taken on Jan eleven, 2019. ALL users UN agency hold ETH in their personal wallets at the instant of the photo can receive three ETCV per every ETH once the fork.

Note: you need to hold ETH in your personal case (Jaxx, Coinomi, MyEtherWallet, Ledger Nano, etc.) to induce your free ETCV once the fork. Exchange wallets aren't accepted!

Get Ethereum Classic Vision via Bounty

Our bounty may be a fantastic chance to induce ETCV coins without charge – though you don’t have any ether! All you have got to try to is register for the bounty campaign and opt for the sort of tasks you relish most. The post regarding Ethereum Classic Vision on Twitter, produce video reviews on YouTube, write journal posts and articles – we are going to reward all of your efforts!

Further Information Visit This Site :

Username: Jrock232
My Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1972952
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318


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