Selasa, 08 Januari 2019


ALCEDO maakt associate graden-schema's die blockchain-technologieën implementeren in de manier van leven

ALCEDO heeft een deskundig team gevormd van beginnende ondernemers en ervaren investeerders om een ​​uitgebreid blockchain-mercantilismeplatform te maken.

Omdat cryptocurrency bedoeld is voor ALCEDO-gedachte-adoptie, is ons platform een ​​stop-buy-inkoper. Het United Nations-bureau zal de belangrijkste krijgen van hun investering. we gaan het eenvoudig te gebruiken systeem produceren dat oude markten en op blockchain gebaseerde activa combineert.

Onze afdeling voor teamleden is gespecialiseerd in geld-mercantilisme en cryptocurrency-markt, die al jarenlang ervaring heeft met internationale makelaars. Begrijp de markt van het doel van de klant om te lezen, ook vanwege de expertise die is opgedaan bij het kwaliteitsbeheer van monetaire instellingen en banken, en dring er bij Amerika op aan terug te keren naar het blockchain-veld.

De ontwikkeling van de ALCEDO, het platform is er één in al onze meest gewaagde komt. De creatie van het platform begon in 2018. Vanaf het begin en tot de ontlading van ons platform werden verschillende technologische problemen bestudeerd en opgelost, waardoor Amerika ons systeem uitstekend kon maken en het perfecte idee kon maken van toekomstige crypto-uitwisselingen.

Dit toont de hoeveelheid associaties die de utility-base exponentieel vergroten en het vertrouwen in cryptocurrency als een zeer belangrijke en middelgrote handelsopslag. De groei is iets dat is geïnspireerd door de hulp van voorbeelden van internationaal gebruik voor transparantie en onveranderlijke blockchain LED-technologie, en zijn zegeningen en snellere, peer-to-peer transacties en het verminderen van de waarde van het bezit.

ALCEDO maakt cryptocurrencies voor iedereen toegankelijk!
We meten op maat met het oog op een brede acceptatie van cryptocurrencies.


ALCEDO maakt associate graden-schema's die blockchain-technologieën implementeren in de manier van leven. Het maakt cryptocurrencies toegankelijk en bruikbaar voor iedereen over de hele wereld.

We meten vierkant wat gericht is op een brede acceptatie van ALCEDO's en verschillende cryptocurrencies.

Om onze doelen te bereiken, beginnen we een netwerk van ALCEDO-punten te bouwen




Op elk ALCEDO-punt moet men valuta's kopen (BTC, ALCE, EUR, enz.) Met de hulp van bekwame consultants.


De ALCEDO-munt (ALCE) is een cruciaal onderdeel van onze regeling, omdat dit een suggestie kan zijn voor het hanteren van ons servicekosten- en beloningsprogramma.


Kopen, verkopen, ruilen en elektronisch verzenden naar en vanuit elk cryptocurrency-account


We meten de omvang van onze oude activiteiten van goudbesparende plannen tot crypto-investeringsplannen


Het stelt klanten in staat snel en eenvoudig cryptocurrencies te verkrijgen of verkopen op onze Alcedo-geldautomaten en POS-terminals


We meten de bekende Crypto-geldautomaten en bouwen een netwerk in een Europees land



Naast de crypto-geldautomaten kunnen ALCEDO-Points onze klanten helpen met de hulp van ons serviceteam. We bieden onze klanten de unieke kans om te winkelen naar en verkopen van cryptocurrencies buiten de webuitwisselingen en met de niet-openbare facilitering van onze specialisten. ze helpen ook bij het gebruik van de geldautomaten en beantwoorden alle vragen met betrekking tot cryptocurrencies.

ALCEDO-punten uitbreiden
ALCEDO-Points square meet daar onder een franchisestelsel, dat in staat is banen te produceren en de volgende en snellere acceptatie in onze samenleving. Wij, als uw toekomstige franchisegever, kunnen ervoor zorgen dat u het eenvoudigste kader krijgt met de competente aanbeveling, de huidige coaching en de voortdurende toegankelijkheid. De licentiekosten zullen volledig worden betaald met ALCEDO-Coins, wat erop wijst dat de ALCEDO-munt binnen de variatie van het bedrijf blijft.

Profiteer van onze expertise met betrekking tot cryptocurrencies en goud
We faciliteren mensen om te speculeren over veiligheid in cryptocurrencies en fysiek goud


ALCEDO-kaarten vierkante maat uitgerust voor de primaire tijd met een geïntegreerde NFC-chip en kan worden gebruikt bij onze ALCEDO-geldautomaten en onze POS-terminals. hierdoor kunnen klanten snel en eenvoudig cryptocurrencies verkrijgen of verkopen. bovendien bevordert het de verspreiding en acceptatie van ALCEDO-munten en verschillende cryptocurrencies. Geen lange en omslachtige registratieprocedures op buitenlandse effectenbeurzen zijn vierkante maatregelen nodig. we hebben de neiging om volledig en volledig vanuit een Europees land te opereren.

Onze ALCEDO-kaart met uitgifte één wordt voorgeschreven aan 1.000 kaarten, gepersonaliseerd en kan (wereldwijd) worden bevrijd met de verwerving van 10.000 ALCEDO-munten.

ALCEDO-Coin (Token)

De Alcedo-munt is een van de belangrijkste vitale onderdelen binnen het volledige ALCEDO-project. Associate Degreed is bedoeld als een ERC-20 op Ethereum gebaseerde token aan het begin van de ICO. Natuurlijk kunnen ALCEDO-munten zelfs als valuta worden gebruikt naast hun gebruik binnen het ALCEDO-ecosysteem. we lanceren de ALCEDO-munt in Q-4 2019.

Dit token zal in de loop van de ontwikkeling worden geroerd tot een afzonderlijke blockchain, met een constante variëteit aan munten en bestaande ALCE ERC20 tokens vierkante meetwaarde veranderd in een tempo van één: één.


Onze klanten zullen het voordeel hebben van sterk verlaagde tarieven door gebruik te maken van ons ALCEDO-Ecosystem. Om de distributie en dus de circulatie van ALCEDO-Coins te versnellen, is de tewerkstelling van ons platform via ALCEDO-Coins bovendien gunstig. Elke klant is echter niet in staat om te beslissen tijdens welke cryptocurrency hij vergoedingen wil betalen.

Speciale markering ALCEDO-flat
Een belangrijk doel voor de VS is om onze klanten verschillende voordelen te bieden door gebruik te maken van het ALCEDO-platform en ALCEDO-munten. elke gebruiker met tien 000 ALCE op het ALCEDO-platform (web- of smartphone-app) hoeft geen exploitatiekosten te betalen als onze services eenmaal zijn gebruikt. Echter, rekening houdend met de munt (behalve ALCEDO-munt) blijft een bepaalde netwerkvergoeding over, die we niet zullen vergoeden. Deze release is van toepassing op elke service van Alcedo (inclusief alle ALCEDO-geldautomaten).

De ALCEDO-portemonnee vereenvoudigt de afhandeling van cryptocurrencies op de smartphone drastisch. verschrikkelijk eenvoudig, zal men totaal verschillende munten verzenden en / of ontvangen. we bieden in het begin Bitcoin, Ethereum en dus de ALCEDO-Coin, maar dit assortiment zal regelmatig uitgebreid worden. Het is de bedoeling dat deze billfold naadloos aansluit bij onze cryptomachines en dus bij het ALCEDO-platform. Voor de uitwisseling van geldeenheden in cryptocurrency is de methode bijna een tweeling van het verkrijgen van munten bij de machine, dat wil zeggen het scannen van de QR-code en het verkrijgen van munten. De mobiele app bevat een kaart met alle locaties van cryptomachines in een Europees land.

ALCEDO-Wallet is bedoeld om te voldoen aan de beste veiligheidsnormen.

Na het downloaden en registreren krijgen alle gebruikers van deze billfold twintig ALCEDO-Coins gratis.


Doe mee met onze Token-uitverkoop. we hebben de neiging om genoegen te nemen met tokenbetalingen.

Token: ALCEDO-Token

Totaal ALCEDO: Token100 000 000 ALCE

Hard-cap: 40 000 000 ALCE

Project-protocol: eerste ERC20-token

Crowd-verkoop: 01 december 2018

Betalingswijze: BTC, ETH, PayPal

Token Sale-fasen


Op basis van onze uitgebreide marktanalyses en onze vooraanstaande positionering op de Duitse markt neigen we ertoe de volgende grafiek als een plausibele stand van zaken te beschouwen in termen van een potentiële stijging van de prijs van Alcedo-tokens.

Token Sale-ontvangsten

Token Distributie


Q 2 2017
Het concept is geboren voor het verspreiden van de tewerkstelling van cryptocurrencies & marketing

K3 2017 - KW3 2018
Het ontwikkelen van het construct

Q4 2018
Opening 1e Alcedo-Point met geldautomaat ICO

Q1 2019
Bereid Alcedo-Tokens voor om te worden vermeld op beurzen

Q2 2019
Nieuwe billfold publiceren

Q3 2019
Open veel Alcedo-Points en franchise Alcedo-Cash-machines

Verdere informatie Bezoek deze site:

AUTEUR: Jrock232

ETH : 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318


ALCEDO: Makes Cryptocurrencies Accessible for Everyone

About ALCEDO Platform 

Alcedo stage are a German based organization and offer a finished worldwide eco-framework even before the beginning of the ICO. The primary ALCEDO-Point in Germany did officially open. The following one is in the arranging stages. The mission is straightforward: CREATE VALUES.

ALCEDO-Points with the ALCEDO-Coin will spread rapidly all through Germany. Additionally, they are coordinating different accomplices into framework so as to cover all of Europe. Get a lot of genuine business and bolster us turning into the best eco-framework worldwid.

At each ALCEDO-Point one can purchase, move and trade monetary forms (BTC, ALCE, EUR, and so forth.) with the assistance of expert advisors.

The ALCEDO-Coin (ALCE) is an essential piece of our biological community, as it is a method for taking care of our administrative expenses and rewards program.

Purchase, move, trade and electronically transmit to and from any digital money account. 

Investment Plans
We are growing our customary business from Gold-Saving Plans to Crypto-Investment Plans. 

It enables clients to rapidly and effectively purchase or move cryptographic forms of money at our 

ALCEDO money machines and POS-Terminals. 

We are supporting wellknown Crypto-ATMs and building a system in Germany. 



Notwithstanding the crypto ATM's, ALCEDO-Points will help our clients with the assistance of our administration group. We'll offer our clients the remarkable chance to purchase and move digital forms of money outside of web trades and with the individual help of our specialists. They will likewise aid the utilization of the ATM's and answer all inquiries with respect to cryptographic forms of money. 

Expanding ALCEDO-Points
ALCEDO-Points are accessible under a diversifying framework, which will make occupations and a higher and quicker acknowledgment in our general public. We, as your future franchisor, will guarantee that you'll get the best system with equipped counsel, progressing preparing and consistent openness. The permit charges will be paid solely with ALCEDO-Coins, which implies that the ALCEDO-Coin stays in the organization's business cycle. 

Benefit from our experience about digital forms of money and gold
We assist individuals with investing security in digital forms of money and physical gold. 


ALCEDO-Cards are prepared out of the blue with an implicit NFC chip and can be utilized at our ALCEDO-ATMs and our POS-Terminals. This enables clients to rapidly and effectively purchase or move cryptographic forms of money.

What's more, it advances the dispersal and acknowledgment of ALCEDO-Coins and other digital forms of money. No long and lumbering enlistment techniques on outside stock trades are important. We work solely and totally from Germany. 

Our Edition 1 ALCEDO-Card is restricted to 1,000 cards, customized and will be without sent of charge (around the world) with the buy of 10,000 ALCEDO-Coins.

The ALCEDO-Coin is a standout amongst the most critical parts in the whole ALCEDO venture and is structured as an ERC-20 Ethereum-based token toward the start of the ICO. Obviously, ALCEDO-Coins can likewise be utilized as money notwithstanding their utilization in the ALCEDO-Ecosystem. We will dispatch the ALCEDO-Coin in Q-4 2019. 

This token will be moved over the span of advancement to a different blockchain, with a similar number of coins and existing ALCE ERC20 tokens are traded at a rate of 1 : 1. 

ALCEDO-Reward System
Our clients can profit by extraordinarily decreased expenses by utilizing our ALCEDO-Ecosystem.To accelerate the conveyance and along these lines the course of ALCEDO-Coins, the utilization of our stage by means of ALCEDO-Coins is increasingly great. Be that as it may, every client is allowed to choose in which digital money he needs to pay charges. 

Special Highlight ALCEDO-Flat
An imperative point for us is to furnish our clients with various advantages by utilizing the ALCEDO-Platform and ALCEDO-Coins. Each client who has 10 000 ALCE on the ALCEDO-Platform (web-or cell phone application) won't need to pay any exchange expenses when utilizing our administrations. 

In any case, contingent upon the Coin (aside from ALCEDO-Coin) a specific system expense remains, which we can not discount. This waiver applies to any administration of ALCEDO (counting all ALCEDO-ATMs). 


The ALCEDO-Wallet radically streamlines the treatment of digital forms of money on the cell phone. 

Simply, one can send as well as get diverse coins. We offer toward the begin Bitcoin, Ethereum and the ALCEDO-Coin, yet this arrangement will be ceaselessly expanded.The Wallet is intended to work consistently with our crypto machines and the ALCEDO-Platform. 

For the trading of Euro in cryptographic money, the procedure is relatively indistinguishable to getting coins at the machine, i.e. checking the QR code and getting coins. The versatile application incorporates a guide demonstrating all areas of crypto machines in Germany. 

ALCEDO-Wallet is structured by watching the most astounding wellbeing principles. 

In the wake of downloading and enlistment, all clients of this wallet get 20 ALCEDO-Coins for nothing.

ALCEDO-Token Structure

Join our Token sale. We accept token payments.

Token: ALCEDO-Token

Total ALCEDO-Token: 100 000 000 ALCE

Hard-Cap: 40 000 000 ALCE

Project-Protocol: first ERC20-Token

Crowd-Sale: Dec 01, 2018

Means of Payment: BTC, ETH, PayPal

Token Sale Stages


Dec 01 - Jan 31: 50% Discount 1 Alcedo-Token at 0.20 €


Feb 01 - Mar 31: 25% Discount 1 Alcedo-Token at 0.30 €


Apr 01 - May 31: 0% Discount 1 Alcedo-Token at 0.40 €


Q2 2017
Concept is born for spreading the use of cryptocurrencies & marketing

Q3 2017 Q3 2018
Developing the Concept

Q4 2018
Opening first Acedo Point with cash machine & starting ICO

Q1 2019
Prepare Alcedo Tokens to be listed on exchanges

Q2 2019
Publishing new Wallet

Q3 2019
Open several Alcedo Points and franchising Alcedo Cash manchi


Username: Jrock232
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318

Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

Grabity | Blokchain Temelli İnternet Sistemi

İnternetin hayatımıza girmesi birçok yeniliği de beraberinde getirdi. 1960'lı yılların başlarında başlayan İnternet çılgınlığı günümüze kadar gelişmesini devam ettirdi. Bu teknoloji birçok gelişime ön ayak oldu. Yine aynı teknoloji blockchain sistemlerinin gelişmesi için girişimcilere yeni fikir imkanları sağladı. Pek çok geliştirici blockchain üzerinden projelerini hayata geçirerek bu sistemin gelişmesine katkıda sağladı

Blockchain ağ yapısı üzerinden pek çok kripto para piyasaya sürüldü . Bu kripto paralar güvenlik, sosyal medya, veri sistemleri gibi özellikleri beraberlerinde getirdi. Ethereum gibi bazı projeler geliştiricileri kendi altında akıllı sözleşmeler yaratılmasına imkan tanıdı. Zaman içerisinde Ethereum ağında oluşan mikro işlemlerin fazlalaşması sebebiyle bu ağ yavaşlayarak durma durumuna kadar geldi . Bloklar üzerindeki işlemlere madencilerin onay verme sistemine dayanan Ethereum ağı kişiden kişiye veri transferi için eşsiz imkanlar yaratmıştı. Fakat özellikle adını duyurmak için Ethereum ağına saldıran bilgisayar korsanları bu ağa büyük zararlar verdiler. Milisaniyeler içerisinde yollanan astronomik miktardaki veri kümeleri Ethereum ağının kilitlenmesine yol açtı . Bu durumun ardından madencilerin çözmek zorunda olduğu blok miktarları gittikçe artmaya başladı. Süper bilgisayarların ve gelişmiş madencilik cihazlarının bu blokları çözememesi sebebiyle Gas bedelleri astronomik rakamlara ulaştı .

Geleneksel Pow sistemini kullanan bu altyapılar artık teknolojinin gelişimine ayak uyduramamaktadırlar. Bu blokzincirleri sistemleri yok etmeye yönelik yapılan %51 ataklarına oldukça açık konumdadırlar. Herhangi bir kötü amaçlı yazılımcı madencilik gücünün %51'lik kısmına hakim olduğu anda tüm blokzincirine müdahale imkanına sahip olmaktadır. Yakın zamanda yaşanan bir saldırı ile bu durum tüm kullanıcıların dikkatini tekrar çekmiştir. Asla kırılamaz denilen blokzinciri korsan müdehaleler sonucunda kırılmıştır .

Grabity Ekosistemi
Mevcut kripto para piyasasındaki madencilik ve altyapı sorunlarının farkına varan Grabity ekibi kendi bağımsız sistemlerini hayata geçirdiler. Bu sistem ekran kartları ya da sunucular aracılığıyla yapılan madencilik sisteminin aksine telefon ve bilgisayarların boş alanlarını kullanmaktadır. Grabity ,milyonlarca sayıdaki telefon ve bilgisayar sistemlerindeki boş alanları madencilik faaliyetleri için kullanmaktadır. Mevcut işlemci gücünün performansının tüm hepsini kullanmak yerinde Grabity bilgisayarın sadece boşta kalan kapasitesini kullanmak amacıyla tasarlanmıştır. Bu şekilde kullanıcılar telefonlarında ya da bilgisayarlarında günlük işlemlerini hallederken diğer yandan da madencilik sistemine katılabilirler.

Node Sistemi
Grabity mevcut ağlardaki ölçeklenebilirlik sorununu bir dizi sistem ile çözmüştür. Her kullanıcı sistem ağındaki blokların bir bölümünü çözmekle yükümlüdür. Mikro düğüm adı verilen bu kullanıcılar sadece kendi işlemleri ve diğer işlemleri doğrulamaktadır. Büyük blok boyutları ile uğraşmayan bu kullanıcılar hiçbir veriyi indirip saklamak zorunda kalmazlar . Mikro düğümlerden gelen işlemleri daha sonra Makro düğümler karşılar . Makro düğümler mikro düğümlerin aksine verileri kaynaklarında depolar. Daha sonra tüm bu işlenmiş veriler Süper düğümlere yollanır. Oldukça güçlü bilgisayarlardan oluşan bu düğümler tüm sistemi ayakta tutmak için tasarlanmıştır. Süper düğüm tüm mikro ve makro düğümlerin sistemle entegre bir şekilde çalışmasını sağlamaktadır

Dağıtık Depolama
Pyasaki mevcut merkeziyetsiz aplikasyonlar melez bir yapıda tasarlanmıştır. Bu aplikasyonların verileri blockchain düğümleri yerine yerleşik sunucularda tutulmaktadır. Sunuculardaki bu veriler savunmasız durumdadır ve her an yapılacak saldırılara karşı açık durumdadır. Grabity sistemi tüm aplikasyon verilerinin blok düğümlerinde tutulmasına imkan sağlamaktadır

Genesis Hoisting
Geleneksel blockchain yapılarında zaman geçtikçe düğüm yapıları ve bloklar büyür . Bu durum sisteme giren her kullanıcının indireceği ve sistemi kullanmak için vazgeçeceği depolama kapasitesini arttırır. Grabity ekibinin tasarladığı bu sistem ile mikro düğümler belirli bir hafıza kapasitesine ulaştıkları anda bu veriler otomatik olarak Süper düğümlere aktarılmaktadır .

Node Birleştirme
Zaman içerisinde artan veri kümeleri node sistemlerinde aşırı yüklenmelere sebep olmaktadır. Bu durum sistemlerin düşük kapasitede çalışmasına neden olmaktadır. Grabity sisteminde dağınık durumda olan veri kümeleri bir araya getirilerek diskler üzerindeki boş kapasiteler artırılmış olur

Sonuç Olarak ;
Oldukça farklı özelliklere sahip olan Grabity projesi Okex , Huobi gibi borsalardan listeleme garantisi almıştır. Bunların yanında ekip yüzlerce kişi arasından yapılan Blockchain yarışmasında dereceye girerek büyük fonlardan hibe almaya hak kazanmıştır . Tüm bu özelliklere sahip bu projeyi aşağıdaki sosyal medya kanallarından inceleyebilirsiniz.

Sosyal Medya ve Satış


Hello everyone, on this good opportunity I will introduce Grabity Project and to find out the benefits of the Grabity Project, the following is an explanation:

Grabity is a public Blockchain project, for the transformation of the Internet paradigm from centralized network to a distributed network. Current hardware performance has improved dramatically, even enough for smartphones to have better performance than previous servers. However, it does not use 100% of storage space or computing power. Anyone can share computer resources through already-possessed idle devices such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs, and users can receive rewards as much as they provide resources, and DApp developers can use the shared computer resources to operate services at a lower cost. When the Grabity project reaches the commercialization stage, anyone will be able to make the use of distributed nodes to switch the Internet paradigm.

The Orbits Network is Grabity`s decentralized main net that draw a truly distributed P2P network by utilizing all wired/wirelessly connected idle computer resources. Transactions from Orbits Network are managed efficiently through using Genesis Hoisting technology, which can process transactions simultaneously and quickly. In addition, Smart Contract and resource files can be stored in separate portions into each by using the distributed storage technology and Defrag Function technology that can recall each part and execute in a streaming format.
Simultaneous Transaction

The sequential transaction-processing structure has limitations in the processing speed that cause problems in scalability. The fundamental way to address scalability issue is to handle simultaneous transactions. The simultaneous transaction processing is to be implemented on the Orbits Network and is in a producer-structure in which a node becomes the transaction generating, processing and verifying user. This solves the problem of scalability because the number of nodes that process and verify transaction also increases as the number of transactions increases, unlike the existing methods in which the network is overloaded as the number of transactions increases. The simultaneous transaction processing structure overcomes the need to collect and process transactions, creating a single block at the same time as generating a transaction and storing it in each node, that is responsible for processing including itself when the block is validated.

Genesis Hoisting
As the current Blockchain structure grows over time, the size of the distributed storage accumulated in each node increases equally, thus reducing the efficiency of the entire network and reducing node scalability. However, it is essential that many nodes participate freely in order to commercialize the Blockchain. Genesis Hoisting was devised for this purpose. Genesis Hoisting is a technology that sets up the distributed ledger and transfer all blocks to the super node when the storage space of the devices of each node reaches a certain amount. The term Genesis Hoisting is used to refer to the process of overwriting file after the calculation of providing a block index number that is one higher than the existing block in the process of overwriting the file after calculation.

Token Economy

Demand for GBT
Consumers who need computer resources should purchase GBT.
Need to purchase GBT to participate the in the ICO on the Orbits Network-based DApp
GBT is DApp's main currency, and if DApp's users increase, demand can increase.
The reward for providing computer resources after the main net launch can be expected to increase the demand for GBT, determined from the additional computer resources and GBT.

Supply of GBT

The initial 10,000,000,000 GBT for the development and operation of the project are issued from the Ethereum network. The ERC20-based GBT will be replaced with the Orbits Network-based GBT after the main net launch. In addition, since the main net, GBTs are issued in addition to consideration of the inflation rate for the purpose of compensating computer resource providers. The rate of inflation can be flexible, but will be determined in a way that does not exceed 5% to protect token holders and ecosystem participants.
GBT ecosystem entry incentives

The consumers of computer resources can use the Orbits Network using GBT for less than the cost of building or maintaining existing servers, and the provider of computer resources can obtain GBT by providing Orbits Network with idle resources or extra devices of their own devices.

Token Sale
Total Token amount: 10,000,000,000 GBT
Token Token sale amount: 7,000,000,000 GBT
Percentage of sales Token from total Token: 70%

Hard cap : 30,000,000 USD
Soft cap : 10,000,000 USD

Tokens except for the pre-sale and public sale are sold in private rounds.
Unsold tokens are due to be incinerated.

Pre Sale
Token Sale Rate:20%
Public Sale:
Token Sale Rate:30%

Road Map

2018 Q4
Smart contract Deploy
ERC20 based Token issue
GBT Pre-Sale

2019 Q1
Network Layer Development
(P2P-based overlay network)
Planet Wallet Launching
GBT Public-Sale

2019 Q2
Data Layer Development
Consensus Layer Development

2019 Q3
Testnet Launching
Toolkit & SDK Development
Block Explorer Development

2019 Q4
Application Layer Development

2020 Q1
Management Layer Development

2020 Q2
Orbits Network Launching
GBT-based DEX, DApp Store Launching

Team Member

If you want to know more about grabity, Below are some useful links where you can find more pieces of information

More information : 

Username: Jrock232
Ethereum address: 0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318


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