What is StealthCrypto?
The StealthCrypto™ utility token will be the native cryptocurrency of the StealthCrypto™ system. Funds collected through the token sale will be used to develop as well as activate and purchase StealthCrypto Cloud™ products and products in the StealthCrypto™ ecosystem. The values of StealthCrypto™ tokens are fully dependent upon the developments of Stealth Grid™ and market demand.
About StealthCrypto™
Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand.
StealthCrypto™ and the Stealth Grid™ development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryptographers.
Business Model
StealthCrypto™ has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution
StealthCrypto™ makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto™.
When will the ICO launch?
Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. And Public ICO will launch March 18, 2018 to April 18, 2018.
Quantum Mesh Network
The StealthCrypto Cloud™ NAS System is fully decentralized, with files distributed and stored all over the world, on different containers. This allows the network to be robust to attacks, with no central point of weakness. StealthCrypto Cloud™ NAS with an embedded wifi router container that connects to peer-to-peer cloud storage, telecommunications, communications, IOT connections, mining, and powered by StealthCrypto™ incentive based Ecosystem. The system will Delivered Quantum Entropy engine, quantum key generation, key distribution and authentication.
Products ready for market
Stealth Grids™ Trust Center has a suite of unified, encrypted communication products ready for market that will be activated by the StealthCrypto™ token. Current market ready products include, IM, cloud storage and file sharing, email, voice, and video conferencing that use our proprietary Quantum cyber security technology, StealthCrypto™, as well as “AI Cyber Security™”. Using our patented , Dynamic end-to-end, Split Encryption™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, and quantum authentication technology for data protection, blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. Stealth Grid™ is building an incentive based quantum mesh network that will radicalize present infrastructure based on our Qubit blockchain.
StealthCrypto™ Phone
StealthCrypto™ gives our users enormous power over his or her privacy and call anywhere in the world with Wi-Fi or data. Stealth Grid aims to decentralize mobile communication with technologies that enable smart phones to communicate without relying on centralized infrastructures using our decentralized our Quantum mesh network – a first of its kind in the telecommunications industry.” All phones feature a built-in privacy control center giving users full control of access and functions of their phone. StealthCrypto™ phone will be the most secure phone on the market and every app must be approved and downloaded from a secure StealthCrypto™ page.
How to join StealthCrypto™ICO
Step 1
- Secure an account
- Visit https://qmn.stealthcrypto.io/ to create your own account.

Step 2
- Activate your account
- A verification link will be sent to your email. You can activate your account by clicking on that link. (If you can’t find that email on your inbox, try looking on the Spam folder).
- *Please note that it may take some time for you to receive the email. If longer than 5 minutes, click Resend activation email.

Make sure that you get your email only from support@stealthcrypto.io

- Your account dashboard

Step 3
- Buy QMN
- Click

Step 4
• Select your Cryptocurrency

For example: I have Ethereum. Enter your desired investment amount in ETH.
Use the address stated or the QR code in the ICO and use this as your personal deposit address.
The amount you've deposited/purchased will reflect on your account through the StealthCrypto wallet.
Simple and convenient.
You have joined StealthCrypto™ ICO and will receive your QMN (token) shortly!
Token Distribution

So join now and invest at https://www.stealthcrypto.io/
Source- https://www.stealthcrypto.io/
Website: https://www.stealthcrypto.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/stealthcrypto2018
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stealthcrypto_
Bounty Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4477499
Authorized By:
My Bitcointalk account : Jrock232
My Bitcointalk account link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1972952
My ETH address :0x8b4C75B64A871525306023CE18579b863c249318
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